What is Consent?
Throughout my healing practice and my own experience, I often witness and have personally felt the concept of ‘should’ around sex and intimacy.
"I should be able to feel it by now, to be more open and responsive, other people can just go with the flow, so why can’t I? ” When we feel this way, it is common to question, are we the only ones experiencing this? Or even wonder if something could be different or wrong with our sexuality and the way we feel.
In my experience, there is nothing wrong with anyone! If anything, we are all trying to do our best to find our way and our own authentic expression. When we are bombarded with all kinds of images and ideas about sex and how it should be read more
Consent-The Reality of Shame
There are many reasons for enduring unwanted connections. Throughout working with clients and feeling the landscape of sexuality in our culture as well as my own personal experience, I came to meet an aspect that is very much present in most of us, if not all of us, which is the presence of shame.
There is a common sense of shame that we tend to feel after allowing and going along with undesired intimate situations. It is usually a result of what we did or didn't do and the choices that we made.
Yet, there is another aspect of shame that I would like to highlight here. It is more of an underlying shame that is more difficult to see and recognize read more