Yin Yoni Massage Sessions in NYC
Embrace your deep feminine.
Yoni is a Sanskrit word for female genitalia, the womb. It also translates to "source of all life" or "sacred space."
Yin is the feminine aspect of receptivity, allowance and flow.
When a woman’s Yoni is relaxed and open, this is where true blessings emerge. It is the energetic nectar of the deep feminine, the true openness that is inevitable for us to feel.
Yin Yoni Massage is designed to bring healing, awareness, relaxation and flow to the woman’s Yoni and a blissful integration with body and heart.
The Yoni is a portal of pleasure yet this is where so many of us have experienced wounding. Perhaps we were entered prematurely without our consent, or never had the experience of a full Yoni opening where we were truly ready to receive.
For many of us our Yoni holds frozen territories of past wounds or trauma that hinders our ability to feel the full spectrum of pleasure and to have a sense of deep integration with our Yoni.
So much of our sexuality in our culture is centered around male sexuality that our body’s automatic response is to contract and rush in order to move toward a goal of fast release.
Release is wonderful and we definitely want to experience it at times, but on the fast track toward a goal we are often missing subtle layers of pleasure. When we allow ourselves to feel, we can experience a deep meditative state and connection to our feminine essence.
The path to a Yin Yoni Massage is filled with subtle stages of preparation. There is no pressure or rush to get somewhere and there is no one formula that fits all.
We will work together while communicating and understanding your specific needs, boundaries and level of comfort.
Safety confidentiality, and comfort are highly important and honored.
To book a session or for more information please contact Yael
“During my last session with Yael, I experienced an opening to a well of forgiveness for how I have misused my sexuality and my power. It touched me on a deeper level - bringing up feelings and sensations I didn’t know were there. Yael inspires incredible trust, which for me is crucial to doing this work and I feel safe, heard, and seen in her presence.”
— Brenda R New York City
About Yael
Yael is a Core Energetic Therapist, Energy Healer, Sex Coach & Educator, and Sexological Bodyworker.
She has been facilitating workshops in the US and Israel and has a private practice in NYC.
For more information about Yael, see here.